This project aims to design models for incentivizing bioresource conservation and ecosystem restoration in rural communities through localized opportunities for financially viable ecosystem stewardship. The specific objectives are to build capacity for decision-makers from local to national levels, identify institutional barriers to ecosystem stewardship, perform research on ecosystem services and the valuation of these services, and develop a stewardship toolkit for financial incentivization of ecosystem restoration and bioresource conservation. The project will culminate with a publicly accessible digital platform that provides data and incentivization strategies for all stakeholders.
Core Challenges
How can we develop and implement an ecosystem stewardship strategy for rural livelihoods by quantifying, building, and embracing human and natural capital?
How can we realize a democratic model for valuing ecosystem services that employs capacity building and participatory frameworks to engage stakeholders?
How can we leverage digital platforms and local knowledge in an integrated approach to support ecologically sustainable rural communities?
Capacity Building
Stakeholder consultations with decision-makers
Ecosystem valuation curriculum
Mulitlingual platform for ecologically-conscious implementation of current policies
Feedback mechanisms to continuously refine the approaches based on real-world experiences and challenges
Institutional assessment for incentivizing ecosystem stewardship in rural communities
Stakeholder mapping for establishing a financially viable institutional ecosystem with industry and financial stakeholders
Digital toolkit with localized opportunities supporting ecosystem stewardship
Analysis of localized ecosystem services, particularly understudied regulating and cultural services
Quantitative and qualitative criteria for the valuation of provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services
Valuation model to aid in localized decision-making
Database of ecosystem services with implementation of valuation model to aid decision-making
Digital curriculum resources including success stories and case studies of outputs from target communities including simplified explanatory resources.
Linkage of valuation to financial incentivization and livelihood opportunities that support stewardship
- Claudia Anselmi, Mannan Bhan, Shannon B. Olsson. (2023). Sustainability Ambassadors Global Exchange Programme, Bengaluru.
- Flora Anna Zentai, Shannon B. Olsson. (2023). Sustainability Ambassadors Global Exchange Programme, Bengaluru.
3. Exploring Biochar’s role in sustainable soil management biomass burning, mitigation and carbon trading.
- Praful V. Panicker, Siddartha Dabhi, Shannon B. Olsson. (2023). Sustainability Ambassadors Global Exchange Programme, Bengaluru.
- Sowndarya Acharya, Shannon B. Olsson (2023). Sustainability Ambassadors Global Exchange Programme, Bengaluru.
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Research Fellow - Rainmatter Foundation
Mahesh Sankaran
Professor - Community & Ecosystems Ecology - National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)